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Lessons on Succession and Regeneration of Family Businesses in Europe for a sustainable growth

A top-notch online event featuring a virtual visit and an inspiring live family business case, a panel discussion with leading experts, and the unveiling of the outputs of a 3-year EU project : All intended to explore the challenges and share practical learnings on succession and regeneration of family businesses in Europe towards a sustainable growth !

Our guest speakers and panelists include:
Léopold M., Co-CEO and second-generation family business member, Élitis, France.
Georges MAREGIANO, Partner and Head of Family Business (mid and large cap market), KPMG France.
Thomas Van Waeyenberge, Board member, FBN Belgium
Jesús Casado Navarro-Rubio, Secretary General, European Family Businesses
Rania Labaki, Associate Professor and Director, EDHEC FAMILY BUSINESS RESEARCH CENTRE

Check the agenda for more details!

Save the date: December 3rd from 5 to 6.30 PM CET

A complimentary event brought to family business stakeholders by European Family Businesses, EDHEC FAMILY BUSINESS RESEARCH CENTRE and EDHEC Business School as part of the SPRING EU project consortium, funded by the European Commission!

Looking forward to seeing you at what promises to be an exclusive and impactful event!

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